MSI Afterburner - MSI Graphics Card Performance Booster

The HardwareMonitor type exposes the following members.


Public methodConnect
Connects this instance to Afterburner's shared hardware monitoring memory.
Public methodDisconnect
Disconnects this instance from Afterburner's shared hardware monitoring memory.
Public methodGetEntry(UInt32, MONITORING_SOURCE_ID)
Returns a HardwareMonitorEntry instance for the provided gpu and data source type from hardware monitoring memory.
Public methodGetEntry(UInt32, String)
Returns a HardwareMonitorEntry instance for the provided gpu and data source name from hardware monitoring memory.
Public methodReloadAll
Reloads this HardwareMonitor instance from hardware monitoring memory. This includes the Header, all GpuEntries and all Entries.
Public methodReloadEntry(UInt32)
Reloads the HardwareMonitorEntry instance from the Entries array for the provided index.
Public methodReloadEntry(HardwareMonitorEntry)
Reloads the HardwareMonitorEntry instance for the provided data source from hardware monitoring memory.
Public methodReloadEntry(UInt32, MONITORING_SOURCE_ID)
Reloads the HardwareMonitorEntry instance for the provided gpu and data source type from hardware monitoring memory.
Public methodReloadEntry(UInt32, String)
Reloads the HardwareMonitorEntry instance for the provided gpu and data source name from hardware monitoring memory.
Public methodReloadGpuEntry
Reloads the HardwareMonitorGpuEntry instance for the provided ID from hardware monitoring memory.
Public methodReloadHeader
Reloads this HardwareMonitorHeader instance from hardware monitoring memory. This method reconnects to the shared memory, rereads the header and verifies it is still valid.
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents this instance. The return value includes the HardwareMonitorHeader, all HardwareMonitorEntry instances and all HardwareMonitorGpuEntry instances.
(Overrides Object..::..ToString()()()().)

See Also